Quiénes somos
Somos una Empresa que fabrica y comercializa los muebles de cocina ArianeÓ y SmegÓ . Podemos servir nuestros fabricados en cualquier lugar. Rapidez y Calidad son nuestras señas de identidad comercial. Hoy lo hacemos a países de Europa, América, y Africa. También ofrecemos la posibilidad de ceder nuestras marcas bajo licencia. We are a Company founded by professionals of the kitchen furniture and comercial furniture sectors. We have a line of products ( ArianeÓ and Smeg Ó ), that cover the whole range of kitchen and comercial furniture with significant technological innovations. Based on a strong commitment to our clients, our objective is to supply the products they need, within the time-limit, with the best quality and prices wich allow them to be competitive. We now export to Europe, America, and Africa. We offert too our trade marks, under license .
Company Profile |
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Muebles de Cocina-Kitchen Furniture | Muebles Equipamiento- Comercial Furniture| Europartenariat |